Daily ArchiveMay 26, 2015

ByDr. Berney

Exciting news: theledger.com/berneywilkinson: I am excited to post that there is a new way for you to hear… fb.me/3jupec4op

ByDr. Berney

Exciting news: www.theledger.com/berneywilkinson

I am excited to post that there is a new way for you to hear all of our podcasts and read our weekly column! Check out www.theledger.com/berneywilkinson!

Thanks Laura at The Ledger for all of your help!

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger article – Sugar and ADHD: ADHD and sugar have a very tumultuous history. While there are those who say… fb.me/7k7EU5yCE

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger article – Sugar and ADHD

ADHD and sugar have a very tumultuous history. While there are those who say that ADHD and sugar have no relationship, others bind them together quite tightly. In this week’s column I had to admit that I was at least partially wrong about my impression of this relationship and present to you some concerns about what sugar is actually doing to our bodies!

If you have had experiences with sugar and its relationship with ADHD symptoms, please write to me. I’d love to hear your stories!

Read my full column here: http://www.theledger.com/article/20150526/COLUMNISTS0419/150529560/-1/news300?Title=Sugar-s-Effects-On-the-Brain