Daily ArchiveJuly 26, 2015

ByDr. Berney

REHC: Helping Your Child Problem Solve: youtu.be/cZdAiT0v0Lw?a via @YouTube

ByDr. Berney

REHC: Helping Your Child Problem Solve: In the age of technology, children often solve problems by calling their… fb.me/3GNShOF4h

ByDr. Berney

REHC: Helping Your Child Problem Solve

In the age of technology, children often solve problems by calling their parent and seeking guidance. While this ensures that they make the right choice at the time, it does not foster independence or the critical thinking skills necessary for healthy development. Parents are encouraged to put their children in situations where they need to […]

ByDr. Berney

REHC: Hearing & Listening: youtu.be/bLyow145QzQ?a via @YouTube